To answer your question, I am going to tell you what a Wookie is.
1. A wookie can come in any different color, and it practically does.
2. A wookie is extremely friendly, and is a very gentle and loving creature, so should be handled with the best of care and love.
3. You have to take care of your wookie or the wookie will get sick, and believe me. You do NOT want a sick wookie.
4. A wookie will most likely worship you, and it will probably do anything you want in to, but don't order it around too much or it will get mad.
4. A wookie is an alien, from the planet Wookinous, so is supposed to look different.
5. Finally, once a wookie is adopted, it will be yours forever, unless you treat it badly.
Now I will tell you the story of the Wookies, because they came to me to tell it.
It was a long time ago, well not really, I mean it was just a month ago, oh well. Then one night, April 13, A spaceship shaper like a large tri-angle
landed outside my window. Obviously I was curious, so I went outside to see what it was. That is when I saw
the spaceship. I called out,"Hello, who are you and what are you doing outside my window?". Then a large wookie walked out of a circular door and said, "We mean you no harm,
we just came to ask a favor of you. We researched it, and found out that you are a very resourceful Earthling. We need a favor of you. We just recently had a rather large shipment
of babies from the hospital, and there is a war going on at our homeplanet so we had to take the abies away. We needed to get them to a nicer peaceful planet so they may be adopted
into nice cyber homes. Here, you may have your pick of 13 wookielings, and then we must be off, to find more homes. I then walked into the tri-angular space ship and walked over to the
baby playpen room. I went in and picked 13 of the cutest wookies, boys and girls, and I left. The grown wookies were in a bit of a hurry, so I got off the ship, waved good-bye, and the ship
zoomed off. It just then struck me, that the babies had just doubled in that short bit of a time. I then new I needed help from some people so I could get these babies to a good home,
before they took over mine. That is when I thought of a cyber adoption agency.
Well that is the wookies story, and I hope it persuaded you to adopt a wookie!